cycling routes in Spain


The cycling routes They have become quite a trend for lovers of kilometers on wheels and can be found virtually throughout the year although when more influx of people have is during the summer Do you know what the most famous?

In addition to the known Osprey and her little sister, the Treparriscos, there are others that have more length and should be done in a few days, such as Transpirenaica, a beautiful journey that crosses all Pyrenees from East to West, linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Bay of Biscay.

It begins in the town of Llança, at Cape Creus and ends in the Basque Country, exactly in the town of Hondarribia. It is one of the cycling routes most important mountain of all those held in Spain.

Another of the most popular cycling routes is the Camino del Cid, more than 700 kilometers long. Linking the towns of Vivar del Cid, in Burgos, with Valencia, place of birth and death of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, known as the "Cid".

It is a route that mixes culture with tourism and sport, passing through the provinces of Burgos, Soria, Guadalajara, Zaragoza, Teruel, Castellon and Valencia, making this an impressive route that should not be missed, but yes, You must have a good team and a good physical shape in order to do.

TransAndalus is the name of one of the longest and most famous cycling routes in Spain, more than 2.000 km long since elapses by all Andalusian provinces, making in impressive tour.

Among the places through which highlights the cattle trails of Sierra Nevada, Cabo de Gata, the Sierra de Cazorla, Doñana National Park, Picos de Arroche or the Strait, making it a whole tourist experience recommended only for those who are in better shape.

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