The rarest bikes and expensive in the world

Within the wide range of bicycles currently on the market, we have a small number of proposals specifically designed for a very select group of people, especially those with a lot of money ready to spend.

The most exclusive bike

One of the bikes most striking is what has created the designer Josh Hadar and that opens this article, choper genuine pedals. It began long ago in the manufacture of custom models and their objective was to merge chopper and bicycles, getting something amazing that can cost from 12.000 to over 35.000 approximately EUR.

le_flaneur_d_hermesHermès is one of the fashion brands, high-end cosmetics and perfumery known world. Have a bicycle christened with the name The Flâmeur Hermes and as you can imagine is not too affordable, some 8.500 euros.

Its appearance is rather that of a bike ride, It has been designed by Axel de Beaufort and carbon fiber estáfabricada, leather saddle and grips and features hydraulic disc brake.aston_martin_bike

We all know the car brand Aston Martin, a fantastic company that produces some of the best supercars in the world.

This time it has joined forces with Factor Bikes to make a bicycle equipped with last model of the latest innovations such as hydraulic disc brakes and a special ultra light and strong box, like spokes. Its price is about 25.000 euros.


Finalized con la Aurumania Crystal Edition Gold Bike, one of the most expensive bikes, nothing less than 95.000 euros., There is only 10 units worldwide, It has 600 small diamonds and is bathed in gold 24 carat. Rather than routing to go with it, it makes sense to have it in a museum, because it is worthy of exhibition.

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